Saturday, June 6, 2009

Photo Shoot #2

Although I haven't posted for a bit, there's been a lot going on in The Jennifer Project world.  I've heard from Jennifers in Oregon and the midwest, and a local Jennifer who has 3 year old twin boys.

And, I've been preparing for the second Jennifer Project photo shoot.  It will be held on June 14.  I will meet and photograph 9 Jennifers that day.  There are two other people who may come that day as well.

It is my hope that I have a Jennifer Project photo shoot once a month.  It depends on who I find / how many Jennifers contact me.

I've been using Craig's List and put ads in local online newspapers / blogs.  Wondering what the next step might be in finding other Jennifers?  It might be a word of mouth sort of thing...

I'd love suggestions...


Jen said...

Hi Jen - Twitter.

If you don't Twitter, then get a bunch of people who do and have them send out the word.

Also, create a Facebook group.

Social networking - it won't be hard to find all your Jennifers.

Unknown said...

How does someone get involved? I know 3 Jennifers that might be really interested

Jennifer said...

Jen -- Thanks for your suggestion. I'll check out the twitter business.

And Heather -- if you know of Jennifers who might be interested, they can email me:
